My Eleventh Hour 

The sins of the blood that I have shed cannot desert me but my dearest wife has. Time is ticking and the closer the smaller hand reaches the next hour, more fools die. Life is just a mere illusion without any meaning.  My faithful thanes who ought to have defend me till their demise have abandoned me to amalgamate with the rightful heir of the thrown, Malcolm. The Birnam Woods have stirred from their position and is now approaching where I am. I cannot endure this! My confidence deteriorates for I fear that the third prophecy of the apparitions is to come true. The witches have fooled me to believe that I will live forever from their apparitions. They raised my hope because the reality of each apparition to occur is close to impossible. I deserve this for descending to corrupt ways to fulfill my overleaping ambition and listening to the agents of evil. If I were to die then I would rather face death like a man than hide as a coward. The young Siward born from a woman believed that he can seize my life. This is hilarious for my life is charmed, which can’t be ended by anyone born from a woman. The young Siward was born from a woman so in the young lad’s attempt, he was slaughtered by me. Now I wait as the man who does not have a soul to exterminate me for he was not born from a woman.

Thuvaaraka Sugumaran

Macbeth's Struggles

I woke up this morning with a big headache.  It was very difficult for me to sleep last night because so much was going through my head and many questions and thoughts kept popping up.  I needed answers and thoughts immediately.  I decided to make a visit to the witches and find out what was going pose a couple of questions to clear my mind.  I immediately demanded them to tell me further more about my future.  As I suspected, I had to be aware of Macduff because he possessed a danger threat on me and I had to keep an eye out for him.  I was prepared to go murder him that moment as I would not allow anyone to get in the way of me ambitions.  It was ridiculous how the witches told me, I would be defeated when Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane Hill because obviously trees won’t get human-like qualities and walk towards me. As thoughts ran through my head, I heard a very mysterious sound, and I was far too curious to leave without finding out where it was coming from.  An illusion appeared showing Banquo’s descendants all crowded as kings.  I was not about to allow Fleance or anyone else being king of Scotland.  I was frustrated and furious.  Am I really seeing this?  Am I going crazy?  As I was about to further investigate, the witches had disappeared in a magical way.  This got me thinking very hard and I feared that the illusion was soon going to become a reality.  I was going to do anything possible to make sure that doesn’t happen.  I was confident that this time the witches’ prophecies were going to fall.

Dinish Kandasamy

One Battle Won; Several Others Yet to Win

The snake has been slit but not killed. Each time it is slit, it heals itself and promises to threaten again with its fangs.  I have not had a single meal without fear or a peaceful sleep with the nightmares I’ve been having.  What life is this? Is it not better to be dead than live a life in deprivation of internal peace?  Even Duncan as he lays in his grave his better off.  I have done the worst that could happen to him, now nothing can harm him- not foes, friends or, or anyone or anything else.  I, other the other hand, am in continuous danger.  Even after his death, Banquo is still a menace to me.  My men had reported back to me with the news of Banquo’s death as planned, but that wretched son of his had managed to escape! Yet, I didn’t show much concern as Fleance is yet only a young snake without fangs and will take his time becoming poisonous and threatening. When I had returned to my guests, I was haunted by the ghost of that despicable Banquo!  He resulted in me looking guilty before the Scottish nobles at my banquet! Not just that, I now have to be in constant fear of Macduff as well. He refused my proposal to this banquet! My safety is the only thing that matters to me now.  I have walked too far into this battle of blood that even if I wanted, I wouldn’t be able of turn back. Tomorrow, while it’s still early, I shall go to the weird sisters to know more of the worst to come.  
                                                                                                                     Aisha Javed

The Battle Against Fate

I have it all now! All that I have once dreamed of is now in the palm of my hands. I, Macbeth, as the three weird sisters had promised am the Thane of Glamis, thane of Cawdor, and even King of Scotland! But to be the king is nothing if I’m not secure as the king. I fear of Banquo.  Of his nobility, courageousness, and his racing mind. There is no other person I fear most.  Banquo had tried to seek in the weird sisters for his prospect when the sisters had hailed me as king. Then like psychics, they had called him lesser than me, but in a way greater.  They had named him the father of line of kings while to me they had granted a crown which I can’t pass on. Since no son of mine will ever be King, someone other than my descendants will take my place on the throne.  No! I can’t let that happen! If this is true, then my conscience has been tormented for the benefit of Banquo’s sons!  I have become the devil by killing the great Duncun and have demolished my peace and the peace of many others for Banquo’s sons to be king! Not to worry though. Instead of watching that ensue, like a man I shall confront fate in a battle which I have never lost! Tonight, I shall execute my plan! I have successfully convinced the murderers that I have hired to accomplish the plan by providing proof that showed it was Banquo who ruined their lives.  Now while everyone will be at the banquet, my men will finish off Banquo and his line as a result of their hatred towards Banquo.  Stars hide your shine, and let the darkness swell the night as tonight shall be Banquo’s last night.

                                                                                                                            Aisha Javed
So Foul and Fair a Day

Here I am today, invested in Scone. Hence forth I will embark on a new journey as King of Scotland.   However, lest we forget the tragedy of the day, I express my heartfelt condolences.   My life, blessed prior to this moment, has been thrust into violent winds so akin to those of yesterday night.  So many emotions envelope my being at the thought of our beloved and renowned King’s merciless murder, it seems impossible to differentiate.  What is regrettable is the place at which this ruthless crime has occurred.   I, the host who was meant to serve our beloved and keep the doors locked to murderers, was unable.  This is my deepest regret.  Yet, what is more, they were present among us from the commencement of the night.  Unable to control my emotions, I killed the guards who were soaked in Duncan’s wine of life which they had drowned of him.  But can one possibly blame oneself for an act derived from the loss of a loved one?  Regrettably, after washing of fear and doubt, I myself including Banquo and Macduff have searched to seek further answers, but remain incapable of reaching a conclusion.  All the more deplorable is the cold flight of our deceased’s own blood, Malcolm and Donalbain, on which act we assume they played a role in the tragedy.  Once again, I would like to express my appreciation for everyone who presented themselves at Duncan’s funeral procession, but let us move forth and rejoice for the new reign in Scotland ruled by myself.  

Mahin Qureshi                
 Today's Regret Brings Tomorrow's Fortune

Concealed within the darkness and shadows of the night, I have committed a grave deed.  Tonight I have seen the bloody dagger of my ambitions – a fateful apparition conceived from my fevered brain that directed me to perform what I had already intended to enact tonight.  At the wake of tomorrow morning I will have gained what I deserve as the three weird sisters’ prophesy claimed.    At long last I have accomplished in this passage of the dark hours my ambitions as half the world sleeps in the wicked facade of nightmares and witches offer their sacrifices to Hecate.  I have committed the deed the bell had summoned me to and validated his departure.    Yet I regret – Have I, in my vaulting ambition, o’erleaped too far to thus damage myself? My courage has deserted me, for I am stricken with guilt over the sorry sight of my hands smeared in the wine of life that they have drained.   This act cannot be expunged as  mine hands will stain even Neptune's oceans incarnadine.  Perhaps I have forsaken God for “Amen” is a word too holy for a man such as me who has committed treason against the nature of life. I cannot be blessed hereafter.  In guaranteeing him an eternity of peace, I have taken the burden of sleepless nights.   Even so, it seems a better alternative than pondering my actions, for sunrise will bring both my dearest and I a glorious new beginning.  As my wife says, I must not be lost so poorly in mine thoughts as after they have been enacted it will only conceive anger -Hark!  Wherefore is that knocking?  If only your knocking could wake Duncan.  I must retire to my chamber before anyone wakes up. Tomorrow I will bathe in grandeur and wealth.

  Mahin Qureshi
Moral Goodness vs. Temptations

My heart is torn between my loyalty towards King Duncan and my love for my dearest wife, Lady Macbeth! Tonight the King visits my dwelling for a feast that may be his last. My wife believes that this may be our chance to seize what is rightfully ours! She questions my manhood for I am not on terms with her decisions. Apparently I am a man with ambition but insufficiently ruthless. Isn’t it, that a man with vaulting ambition will only destroy himself in the end? I doubt whether I should have told my dearest love of these prophecies for she is asking for me to commit sins that is beyond my character. King Duncan is my noble cousin, one of whom I absolutely believe is a great individual with gracious virtues and is therefore the most suitable being to reign a kingdom. I should let fate take its course instead of creating it. If I were to become king then so shall I. But my wife is the precious thing in my life; she is the eyes of my heart. I succumb to my wife’s diabolical plan for my ambition to become King of Scotland and my love towards my wife blinds my sight of morality. These fierce ambition sparks were ignited within me after my first encounter with the three agents of evil and listening to their prophetic greetings of my fate.

First Witch.
All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis!
Second Witch.
All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor!
Third Witch.
All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!

I hope there will be forgiveness for me after I carry out this act of sin!

Thuvaaraka Sugumaran